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Principal's Report

Published by Tara Shire State College

Welcome to Week 4 of the school term.

Staffing changes :  A number of factors, including student enrolment numbers, complexity of needs and student support models, determines school staffing. Data is collected on Day 8 ( 7 February) of each school year to determine staffing needs for schools.

Due to a slight decline in student numbers this year, as a College, we have lost entitlement to staff and therefore adjustments to class formation is required.

Students in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 will have some changes to their class formation with the following being the class structure to be finalised this week:

Prep – Year 2 (no changes), two classes of Year 3/4 , Year 5 (will have some changes to class formation), Year 4/5/6 and Year 6.

Any changes to class formation and student's allocation to these classes have been carefully considered within the leadership and teaching team. The learning and well being for each student is paramount in this process.

Over the course of the next few days, if a class change affects your child, a member of the leadership team will contact you. Classes will be re-structured prior to Friday afternoon to enable a smooth transition for the start of next week. Students will continue with their current unit of study until completion.

A meet and greet evening has been scheduled for Tuesday 5 March to introduce new staff and provide an opportunity for parents to visit classrooms in the school. Please avail yourself of this opportunity as we value the partnership between parents and the school.

Student Portfolios (Learning Journals): In 2019, each student from Prep – Year 10 will have a Learning Journal (a folder containing assessment pieces from three key subjects – English, Maths and Science). The Year 5 and 6 students will have an additional component which is their Leadership / Citizenship journal. This will entail the students nominating 3 events/strategies to foster a sense of leadership throughout the college. A list of potential positions/tasks will be provided for the students and they will nominate 3 of these to be completed throughout the year. Students will have to nominate a teacher who is prepared to keep the students accountable to their goals and sign off on their achievements. These journals will be used during parent teacher interviews to provide evidence to parents. We will encourage our Year 5 and 6 students to conduct their own interviews throughout the year.

Model for Learning Support 2019:

Mrs Arnold (0.6) and Mrs Gunther (0.4) form the learning support team in the primary sector. They join Mrs Woollard (Pedagogy support) and Mrs Train (Head of Curriculum) as the team which will case manage students to improve reading performance in the primary – including data cycles (5 weeks). Miss Gauld will be leading the reading in Prep -2 and this has commenced this week. Learning support positions will be commencing in the junior secondary in the next week and Mrs  Morrison (Senior Secondary) has moved to (0.4) support position in the senior secondary (Year 11 & 12). Mr Wale will move to a learning support position to support the junior secondary students.

SATE program (Senior students):

This year will be the last year that students in senior (Year 12) will receive an OP score. There will be work to do around the dual systems (new and old) for 2019. The college will formalise its current arrangement and assign a case manager for each student to ensure that we are tracking and supporting the future pathways for each individual. Your child’s case manager will be in contact with you to discuss future steps to employment or further study.


At the recent P&C meeting, I shared the school’s plans for a front fence structure along with the re-modelling of the school’s front entrance. We are anticipating works to commence in Term 2 this year.

NAPLAN online 2019:

This year our students will complete NAPLAN testing online. Year 3 students will do their writing task on paper as in previous years but will perform the remaining areas of the test online. The Year 5,7 and 9 students will do the complete testing on line during sessions scheduled across a 9 day window. The school has passed the readiness tests and staff will be trained in the delivery of the program in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to Tara on winning the aggregate and average trophies at the T&D carnival recently. Well done to age champions and runner’s up on their efforts.

Also we had several students travel to Roma yesterday (Wednesday 20 February) and we were successful in having 5 students selected in basketball teams.  

Yours in education,

Mr Craig Homer - Principal

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Secondary Snippets

Published by Tara Shire State College

Welcome to a new year of learning.  This year has seen some exciting introductions to the secondary department – new subjects and new teachers.  All students have been issued with a Secondary Handbook to answer all their questions and the seniors have been given another one, Senior Secondary Handbook.  If you haven’t seen either, call into the office or go to the college website

The Beyond the Broncos Mentoring Program and Break Buddy Program have commenced with high participation (see later on in newsletter).  Already, the Year 7s are getting organised for camp while the Year 10s have been given the opportunity to participate in a STEM Camp and a Women Who Weld Program.  Hope to see you soon our at Meet and Greet evening.

Mrs Moran - Secondary Deputy Principal

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Primary Deputy Principal

Published by Tara Shire State College

Welcome back to 2019 and a warm welcome to all our new families.  This is going to be a great term with lots happening.


Our Prep students have started their first year exceptionally well with lots of wonderful learning happening.  Thank you to Miss Messer, Mrs Cosgrove, Miss Dee and Mrs Gundry for making their transition to school such an amazing experience.

Below are a few tips in assisting your child’s new school year:

  • Be positive and enthusiastic about school and their schooling (it’s contagious!) For example: “What was the best thing you learnt today?
  • Ensure a rested sleep – i.e. minimising technology near bedtime
  • Encourage a growth mindset in your child- e.g. “When it’s difficult I’m going to keep trying my best” as opposed to “When it’s difficult I’ll give up”.
  • Discuss goals your child has for their year and how they will achieve them
  • Communicate with your child’s teacher and administration – via email, phone or in person.

Year 6 Leadership Camp

Students who have nominated for a leadership position or are already in a leadership position will have the opportunity to go to Towwomba for a Year 6 Leadership Camp with other small schools from the District.  This will be a great experience for them as it will allow students to interact with other leaders and give them ideas as to how to be a school leader.


The start of the school year is often exciting and enjoyable for many of our students but for others it can be a time that produces anxiety and worry.

Children with anxiety problems lack confidence in their abilities and feel overwhelmed easily. They are not “putting it on” or trying to take the easy way out. They need to learn how to cope with worries and build confidence. This does not mean just telling them not to be silly. It means providing positive support and teaching them the emotional and thinking skills that can help them.

Parents and carers can:

  • Teach children to be brave by showing them you believe they can do things and encouraging them to have a go even when they are scared or worried. You might remind them of a time when they were brave and it worked.
  • Break larger goals into small steps that children can succeed with, and praise their success.
  • Help them learn relaxation skills. Breathing slowly to calm down and imagining yourself coping in a scary situation are really helpful ways of managing anxiety. Doing it with them is a fun way to start.
  • Teach children helpful self-talk. Instead of saying to themselves “I can’t do this” encourage them to say “I’ll give it a go”. Help them to see that by worrying less they can do more and feel better about themselves.

Healthy Lunch Boxes

It has been great to see some great healthy lunches while I have been out on duty.  Fruit and salad sandwiches are an awesome way to ensure our students brains are firing on all cylinders.  Eating a healthy lunch can also help students maintain great behaviour throughout the day.


Miss Gauld - Primary Deputy Principal

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Break Buddy

Published by Tara Shire State College

This year we have introduced a new program, Break Buddy.  The idea of the program is for secondary students to assist primary students throughout the break times.  Secondary students are there to help them and some of the reasons might be to simply tie their shoe laces, find their friends or even just find someone to play in the sand with.  Break Buddies are easily identified by their bright yellow vest.




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From the Business Desk

Published by Tara Shire State College

Thank you to those families who have returned a completed Student Resource Scheme Form. If you have not already done so, could you please return this form to the school as soon as possible so we can provide the required textbooks and resources to your students.  If you are choosing not to participate in the Student Resource Scheme please indicate this on your returned form.  It will then be up to you to provide your students with the list of textbooks and resources to as per the booklist.  Please contact the office if you would like another copy of this list.  Please remember this scheme also covers the cost of some school performances and excursions so if you choose not to participate in the Scheme, you may be invoiced throughout the year if you would like your students to attend these events.

We are more than happy to arrange a payment instalment plan for levies.   BPoint and Centrepay both offer methods of automatic deduction which are very quick, simple and easy to set up. Payments can also be made by credit card/EFTPOS or cash via the office, direct debit, or BPoint via QParents or the school website.  Please phone the office to make a confidential appointment if you would like to discuss your options further.

I encourage all parents and guardians to register for QParents.  This is a simple App which allows a convenient way to stay in touch with the college.  For more information please visit  The QParents Account Owner Details Form can be found on the College website or at the school office.

Christine Neal


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Junior Home Ec

Published by Tara Shire State College

Scrumptious Snacks and Brilliant Breakfast Basics

Year 7 and 8 Home Economics students have made a successful start to the school year. In year 7, students have been exploring healthy snack choices and will be working towards producing a healthy pizza. We were able to practice our knife skills by cutting fruit and making fabulous fruity kebabs.

Year 8 students have been kick starting their day with a breakfast unit. We demonstrated effective use of the kitchen and techniques to produce golden breakfast pancakes. It is great to see our students coming to class ready to learn and I look forward to wonderful school year.

Miss Christensen

Home Economics Teacher


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Beyond Broncos Launch

Published by Tara Shire State College

Last week we held the annual Beyond the Broncos launch for 2019.

We are fortunate enough to have this program to support our secondary indigenous students to successfully complete their schooling and be the best they can be.  We thank our community members who also attended the launch.

Mr Homer presenting the program with a Message Stick



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Students gain real world links in Early Childhood

Published by Tara Shire State College

This year, Early Childhood Studies was introduced to our year 11 students and in our first week we explored the local Tara C&K.

On our visit we walked through the centre and learned about the activities the children like to do like painting and different things they like to eat. We also found out about routines like sleeping, giving skills for independence and documenting the days.

This was a good introduction to Early Childhood and we hope to interact more with the children at the C&K and the Pippa’s program at the college. This semester we are exploring language development and look forward to reading with the children.

We are excited for this subject because it could help us in the future and we will know more about interacting with children to meet their needs. Thank you to the Tara C&K for allowing us to explore the centre.

Miss Christensen and the Year 11 Early Childhood Studies Class

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Guido Guidance

Published by Tara Shire State College

Year 11 English Careers Expo

On Wednesday 13th February, a mini Careers Expo was organised by Miss Christensen and Mr Thompson for the students in the Year 11 English class. Guest presenters included Anne Graham and Kimberlee Wade from the Tara Neighbourhood Centre, Jocelyn Prain from Queensland Health and Francis Ey (Transport Careers). The students had the opportunity to ask questions about career pathways and link this information to their current English unit. Thank you to all the supporting presenters who made it such an interesting event for the students and make them even keener to explore their post-school options.

The My Future website has a host of tips and videos for students on how to make the best possible choices for future careers. Students and parents are encouraged to visit or speak with the Guidance Officer for more information.

Mr Thompson

Guidance Officer

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Year 10 Girls Science STEM Camp

Published by Tara Shire State College

7-9 May, 2019

Columboola Outdoor Environmental Education Centre will be holding its annual Year 10 Girls Science STEM camp at Columboola (25 Boort Koi Road, Miles) from May 7-9.  Science professionals from University of Queensland, University of Southern Queensland and STEM related industries will present workshops across a wide range of scientific areas.  This is a unique opportunity for two Year 10 girls with an interest in deepening their knowledge of science and/or STEM careers.  Don’t miss out.  See your science teacher today for information or contact STEM camp co-ordinator-  Robyn Cahill:

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Sports in Term One

Published by Tara Shire State College


Running Club

Running Club will commence on Wednesday mornings from 8:15am at the school hall.  Organisation of running club will be slightly different in 2019.  Students will be collecting points for their respective classes as well as keeping tally of their total distance covered throughout the year.  Students will receive a paddle pop stick as a tally for each completed lap.  Once they’re finished with their laps for the day they will return them to Mr Josefski to keep tally throughout the year.  This will allow students to achieve milestones, such as completing 10km, 25km, 50km and the big goal of 100km for the year.  Each milestone will receive various awards from certificates, medals and trophies.  Parents and staff are encouraged to participate, as students will achieve more points towards their class.

Secondary Gym

Once again, this year the Gym will be open to students in the secondary school.  Students will be required to return a permission note, which can be collected from main administration, before commencing at the gym.  The activities in each session will include free weights, plyometric, endurance activities through machines and lightweight machine exercises.  Boys will be able to use the gym during 1st break on Mondays and girls during 1st break on Wednesdays.

Secondary All Sports

On Thursdays during 1st break, a range of different sports will be organised for the secondary students.  Each week a different sport will be organised for students to participate in. 

Cross Country

Tara is privileged to be hosting the 2019 South West School Sport Cross Country Carnival on Monday the 27th of May.  To take full advantage of this home track advantage, the School Inter-house and Tara & District Carnivals will be run on the same course.  Below are the maps for the 2km and 3km courses for the carnival.  Students will be taken for a walk of the course later in the term during their Physical Education lessons.

2km Cross Country Course

3km Cross Country Course

PE Swimming

Swimming lessons will begin during Week 3 from Monday the 11th of February until Friday 15th of March.  Swimming is an important part of the Curriculum at Tara Shire State College.  All students in Prep to Year 10 will participate in swimming lessons in Term 1 as part of their Health and Physical Education Lessons.  Notes must be returned for your child to participate.  Below is the timetable for Term 1.

Get Started Vouchers

Kids need to be active.  Joining a sport or active recreation club can be great for them, but sometimes the costs can get in the way.  For families genuinely needing some help with club fees, there are ‘Get Started Vouchers’ available each year in January and July

You can apply for a voucher if you have a Centrelink Health Care Card or Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or if you receive a link to a voucher from a registered referral agent.  Queensland children aged 5 to 17 are eligible for one voucher per calendar year and can be used at registered clubs. Our club locator can help you find a Get Started club based on activity and location.

The voucher covers the first $150 of membership or participation fees. Check if your club has other costs you’ll need to cover, like uniforms or equipment, as you’ll need to know you can afford them.  To apply you’ll need a computer with internet access (tablets and phones don’t always work) and have created an account.

Clubs available in Tara:

  • Swimming club
  • Tennis Club
  • Tara Panthers Rugby League Club

More information:





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Secondary Homework Club

Published by Tara Shire State College

                    Homework Club

                                              Do you:

                     Need some extra help studying?

Want to get an early start on your weekly homework?

                              Want extra time at school to focus on assignments?

Come along to Homework Club!

          When: Starting Term 1, Week 5

                         Monday afternoons

              Time:  3:00 - 4:00 pm

Who: Year 7-12 students

Where: Meet in the undercover parade area

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Community Noticeboard

Published by Tara Shire State College



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Community Noticeboard

Published by Tara Shire State College

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Orienteering Event

Published by Tara Shire State College


RROC Event Information

Sandalwood Park Coaching

Drillham, Sunday, March 10, 2019

Map: Sandalwood Park, 1:10000

Courses: Very Easy – 10-12 years may attempt this on their own, but all children can be accompanied by an adult or a friend.

Easy – recommended for 15+ yrs as a starting point.

Moderate – recommended for 15+ yrs with some BUSH experience.

Starts: From 9am. There will be a couple of activities for each level. Participants can do exercises at different levels. It is very strongly recommended to attempt easy courses first. This sport is all about confidence. Success at an easier level is far more important than struggling with a more challenging course. All courses will be open from 9am until 1pm.

Directions: Sandalwood Park is about 30km west of Miles. Turn south into Bells Rd, about 5km west of Drillham, cross the railway line, then left at the T junction and follow the road as it bends to the south again. Follow this road about 7km to the property. Follow the signs to the assembly area.

Entry fees: Individual $10 Family $30

Notes: The day is designed for students (and their families!) to come and try orienteering in a bush setting, but is open to everyone.

All school students aged between 10 and 19 (born between 2000 and 2009) are eligible to attend the Qld Schools Championships in Brisbane in July. A South West School Sport trial will be held at Columboola on Sunday, April 28. From this trial, a team will be selected to compete at the Darling Downs Trials at Geham on Tuesday, May 7.

All you will need on the day is a water bottle, lunch, snacks and a hat, and to wear comfortable shoes. You can borrow a compass .

TO REGISTER: If you do not have an Eventor login, please enter via the google doc attached (‘Entry for those without an Eventor Login’).

Contact: Before the day - phone Felicity 46981538

On the day - 0427523541


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